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Type-Checking and Overloading-Resolution for Hoopla

contributor Programmiersprachen und Übersetzerbau (IFI)
creator Jung, Karsten
date 1997-02-28
description 160 pages
This thesis deals with the development and design of the type--checker for the new object--oriented programming language Hoopla''. Since Hoopla'' contains multi--methods and subprograms may return arbitrary numbers of return values, a new resolution algorithm for subprogram calls was necessary. Moreover, the type--checker ensures at compile time that runtime dispatching is always possible. The type checking algorithm is specified formally using the Vienna Development Method (VDM)
format application/postscript
947069 Bytes
identifier  http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=DIP-1386&engl=1
language eng
publisher Stuttgart, Germany, Universität Stuttgart
relation Diploma Thesis No. 1386
source ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/library/medoc.ustuttgart_fi/DIP-1386/DIP-1386.ps
subject Language Classifications (CR D.3.2)
Programming Languages Processors (CR D.3.4)
Programming Languages Miscellaneous (CR D.3.m)
Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity Miscellaneous (CR F.2.m)
type checking
title Type-Checking and Overloading-Resolution for Hoopla
type Text
Diploma Thesis